Thursday, October 8, 2009

How to Stop a Divorce When the Trust is Broken in Your Marriage

If trust is broken in your marriage, then you might be finding yourself trying to figure out how to stop your divorce and build trust back in your marriage.

Broken trust is one of the more common reasons for people getting divorced.  This is often caused by either you or your spouse being unfaithful.  If you were unfaithful, then you need to first accept responsibility for your actions.

When trying to regain trust to stop your divorce, you need to make sure you act only in such a way that does not give your spouse any reason to doubt your faithfulness.  You have to put in the effort to prove that you're worthy of trust.  This takes time and patience, but don't give up.  Broken trust is difficult to overcome, but it is possible.

If, on the other hand, it is your spouse who broke the trust in your marriage, it can be extremely difficult to allow them a second chance.  But try to imagine yourself in their shoes and realize that you would want to be given a second chance if it were you.

Try to understand the root of why they broke the trust and work on resolving that core marriage problem.  If your marriage is worth saving, then you need to work on restoring the broken trust in your marriage in order to stop your divorce.  This often means seeking marriage advice or counseling.  Stopping a divorce when there are trust issues involved is extremely trying.  But you do not have to do it alone.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Wealth of Relationship Advice Online

If you're having relationship problems, you might be seeking relationship advice online.  Believe it or not, there's a lot of excellent information available online that can help you work through your relationship issues.  Unfortunately, there's also a lot of bad advice out there as well.

People who can afford it turn to expensive relationship advice from marriage counselors or relationship therapists.  This can be one of the most powerful tools for working through the issues in a relationship, but unfortunately it's not only extremely expensive, but they rarely effective.  It's hard for people to find someone they can really open up to and who is able to see exactly what they need to repair their relationship.

The best part about online relationship advice is that answers are available to you 24/7.  That's perfect for the times when something happens that prompts a potential breakup.  Rather than just lying around worrying yourself sick, you can hop online and seek out the information you need for your particular situation.

Relationship experts have published a wealth of free articles online that can help in your situation.  Sometimes you have questions that are too embarrassing to ask your friends.  The internet is a totally anonymous place where you can ask for advice in secret and nobody has to know what you're going through or how you feel about it.

Just make sure you question all advice you read online.  There is a lot of useless information out there, so it's important you keep a clear head as you sift through it all.  If you look in the right places, you can find truly powerful relationship advice online.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Healing Yourself and Your Relationship Advice: 4 Simple Self Help Tips

Relationships can be very difficult and the truth is, sometimes the relationship itself is a cause for problems rather than something that brings out the best in us like it should be.

Whether you're just starting out or you've been in your relationship for a long time, it can make you feel better or worse about yourself and can be the root of serious self esteem issues.  All we really want is to have someone that will love us and make us feel good about ourselves, but often times this doesn't happen.

And in this case, you might be looking for healing yourself and your relationship advice in the form of self help tips.

1.  Don't Focus on the Past

It's natural to want to pinpoint the exact reason for your relationship problems, but the point is, they exist.  You have problems.  You need to put your effort towards solving them rather than trying to place blame on you or your partner by figuring out the cause of your issues.

It doesn't matter if it has something to do with the past or things that have lingered from early on in your life or your spouse or partner's life.  Don't exhaust yourselves because you never will find an answer.

2.  Work on Overcoming the Present Challenges

Your best strategy right now is working on trying to fix the relationship by working at the problems you know exist.  This can mean reading self-help books or trying out different self-help techniques.  You need to work on building up the relationship.

3.  Eliminate Criticism

Many couples resort to constantly criticizing each other when the pressure of a strained relationship gets to be too much.  Resist doing this, and resist internalizing any criticism that comes your way.  Talk out your issues rather than making snide remarks to each other because in the end, all it does is make you both feel less powerful than you are.

Don't use manipulation and don't turn your relationship into a power struggle.  It's not a war you want, so stop behaving like you're in one with your relationship.  Just don't let there even be fights to win or lose.

4.  Open Up and Communicate

Although it seems obvious, this is often overlooked.  When your relationship is on the rocks, the tendency is to argue with each other and try to point out where you're wrong or highlight your weaknesses.

Instead, talk out your problems and try to find common ground.  Listen to your spouse or partner's side of things and try to gain some perspective.  Then share your side with them.  Sometimes things that seem painfully obvious to one party needs to be articulated clearly to the other.

Often times you'll find a huge argument arose out of a simple misunderstanding that can be cleared up with some meaningful communication.  Discuss your expectations openly with each other and tell each other exactly what hurts you and what you need of them.  Then, do the same for them by lending your ear and attention.

When trying to heal yourself and your relationship, sometimes the simplest advice and tips can really work to repair the situation.  If your relationship is worth it, you really can move past talks of separation or divorce and actually work together to make each other better people and strengthen your relationship as you do so.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Is Saving A Relationship Even Worth It?

It's normal for a relationship to go through its hard times, but if you feel like you've been fighting to save your relationship forever, then you might be asking yourself, "Is saving a relationship even worth it?"

Perhaps you've already sought out counseling or therapy and you're still having problems.  Maybe you've sought out help in other forms but you still seem to be experiencing the same old problems.

There are certain things you need to give some serious thought if you really want to figure out if saving your relationship is actually worth it.

If you're thinking about separating or getting a divorce, then you might need to seek out some serious relationship advice.  Saving your relationship is a huge decision to make and it's going to take a lot of time and effort.  If the relationship is not really there, then this can be extremely frustrating.

Ask Yourself Serious Questions to Find Out If Your Relationship is Worth Saving

Who do you most love spending time with?  If you made a list of the people you most enjoy hanging out with, is your spouse or partner on the list?  Do you take time to just enjoy each other's company?  Are you happy just to be near them?  In a good relationship, the answer to all these questions is yes.

Does your spouse or partner make you feel understood?  Do you feel like you are being listened to?  Do you feel like you always have someone to turn to?  Do you feel like they "get" you even when you don't say it out loud?  Again, the answer here should be yes.

Does your relationship make you feel comforted?  If you're going through something difficult, does your relationship provide a level of comfort and stability to you?  A good relationship means you aren't constantly looking elsewhere for comfort.

Do you trust your partner or spouse and do they trust you?  If fidelity and faithfulness is at all an issue in your relationship, you need to address it seriously.  If you have issues with trust, then you may need to see marriage counseling or therapy.

The decision to save your relationship is not to be taken lightly and you need to put some serious thought into whether you think it's worth it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

4 Tips on How to Stop Your Divorce and Save Your Marriage

It can be very scary when you're desperate to figure out how to stop your divorce and save your marriage.

Don't worry because you're not alone and there are steps you can take to remedy your relationship.  Try these tips on how to stop your divorce and save your marriage before it's too late:

1.  Do a Relationship Reality Check

Be realistic about your marriage.  Stopping a divorce and saving a marriage is a difficult step that takes time, patience and a great deal of effort.  Make sure you know for certain that your marriage is worth saving.  If you know in your heart that you're meant to be together, then get ready to take some action.

2.  Seek Out Helpful Resources

Many couples that are having marriage problems and are considering divorce find the help they need in a marriage counselor or therapist.  Since they're trained for this very purpose, they might be able to be the medium between you that you need.  Since these services can be costly, there are also several relationship guides available online that can help you work through your issues.

3.  Avoid Arguments

Although it might seem like it's all you do these days, refrain from arguing when you're trying to patch up your marriage.  It never helps the situation even though it feels right in the moment.  If you're trying to prevent a divorce and save your marriage, then you need to be fighting for each other, not with each other.

4.  Find Common Ground

When you're having a discussion about your relationship, even if you disagree, try to find some truth between you and settle on that.  The more you can agree, the more you both rebuild that foundation in compromise your relationship first started out with.  You need to get back to the place where you both see the positives in each other.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Can You Save Your Relationship When You're Heartbroken?

A failing relationship can leave you feeling heartbroken and wondering if you can save your relationship.

Be Cordial

Although it seems obvious, it's important to be reminded that you should act nice and civilized even if you have the impulse to lash out or to grovel.  Acting unpleasant will only remind your partner of the reasons you disagree with each other and will not help to save the relationship.

Can I Save My Relationship If My Partner is Seeing Someone Else?

Although this is extremely tough, it is possible.  Be friendly and act calm and collected.  Help show your partner what it is they're missing and why they fell in love with you in the first place.  Remind them of all the great times you had together.

Can I Trick My Partner Into Saving Our Relationship?

It is very unlikely that using deception will help save your relationship.  This tactic is likely to backfire at some point in the future.  Many people try to make their partners jealous by dating other people and flaunting that in their faces hoping they will beg them to come back but in the end it only hurts their feelings.

Be Honest and Open

The better route is simply to open up communication with your partner and be honest about what you want from the relationship.  Share your fears but also show the hope you have that the relationship can be saved.

Friday, October 2, 2009

4 Tips on How to Save a Bipolar Relationship

If you're looking for tips on how to save a bipolar relationship, then you know how difficult it is to deal with the love of your life suffering from bipolar disorder.

Not only is it extremely difficult watching the mood swings come and go against their will, but you constantly deal with the guilt of having mixed feelings about your relationship. There are many relationships that have ended because the stress wears so hard on both partners as well as the relationship itself.

Bipolar disorder can make your partner make you feel like everything you try to save the relationship is not enough and that it's just wasted effort because nothing will ever help them.

But it isn't. And you do help them.

The very fact that you're still by their side means more to them than they'll ever let on. Even when they push you away and make it really hard for you to stick by them, they really do appreciate when you push right through the walls they put up and show that you care that much about them. They do want you to be with them and help in any way you can.

Here are 4 helpful tips on how to save a bipolar relationship:

1. Educate Yourself on Bipolar Disorder

Try to understand as well as you can just what it is your bipolar partner is going through. Try to find out what it is that causes the disorder and what is being done to help people suffering from it.

2. Put Yourself First

Being in a bipolar relationship is extremely trying. If you want to be of help to your partner, then you need to be in excellent physical and mental health. Take very good care of yourself because you'll be of no use to them if you let the stress wear you down. If the weight of it all becomes unbearable, then take a step back and give yourself whatever it is you need to stay strong.

3. Don't Do This Alone

Many people in bipolar relationships seek counseling to help them through the special issues you might face. The reason so many bipolar relationships fail is because people try to keep it alive all by themselves. This is extremely difficult if not impossible, and there's nothing shameful about seeking the help of a counselor or the guidance of a book or even online materials.

4. Do Not Give Up

Keep a positive attitude and never give up the hope that you will help them overcome and live happily with their bipolar disorder. Always remind yourself that the effort you are making matters and that it's worth it. With a strong foundation and a strong will, you can save your bipolar relationship.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reconciliation from a Biblical Marriage Separation

If you are thinking about your options for reconciliation from a biblical marriage separation, you must first remember that a relationship is made up of two, and you must first figure out where you both stand. Reconciliation from a biblical marriage separation involves both parties coming to a reasonable and mutual understanding together. If you are like most couples, you are probably in one of three common situations.

The most difficult situation is when one spouse wants to reconcile and the other does not. In this situation, reconciliation from a biblical marriage separation involves a lot of hard work, but is certainly not impossible. You must work at coming to a point where you both want to get back together.

A very common situation is when one spouse wants to reconcile but the other is uncertain. If you are in this situation and you are the one seeking reconciliation, you need to find a way to convince your partner that you have changed. In the case that you broke a sacred marriage vow, reconciliation will mean proving that you have left your sinful lifestyle behind.

The ideal situation for reconciliation from a separation is when both spouses are committed to getting back together and saving the relationship. In this case, both you and your spouse have probably figured out the exact root case of the marriage separation and have repented and committed to changing.

Reconciliation from a biblical marriage separation is a difficult process. Thankfully, by coming up with a clear strategy for saving your relationship, you can continue living a happy Christian life with your spouse by your side.

5 Relationships Breaking Up Tips

Are you in need of relationships breaking up tips? What you need is a sound strategy that won’t leave you suffering from the usual pain of a breakup. Most people looking for relationships breaking up tips are on the fence about their relationship and deep down would rather work through their relationship troubles rather than losing their partner. If this is you, check out the Save a Relationship Magic of Making Up Strategy.

  1. The first step is the preparatory stage in which you need to get some clarity and sort out your feelings. Get out, get active and clear your head.
  1. Next, you need to get yourself focused. You are looking for relationships breaking up tips, not how to harm your relationship further. Many people have the urge to end the relationship with a romantic encounter. Do not feed your ego this way. It will only make things harder in the long run and could ruin the chances that you will ever save your relationship if you at all harbor the desire.
  1. When thinking of ending a relationship, you have to talk to your partner in person. A lot of people are tempted to send breakup emails or phone messages. You must have the courage to do it face-to-face and express yourself calmly and clearly.
  1. Take turns voicing your thoughts and feelings with your partner. Share with them anything you feel you need to get off of your chest. Try to discuss if there is any hope for the relationship by weighing the positives and negatives.
  1. Find the strength to forgive each other. Don’t leave on a sour note. Instead, think about all the good times you shared with your partner and move away from the past into a clearer present.

5 Signs That Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You

If you’ve recently gone through a breakup, you’re probably thinking about getting back together, especially if you’re noticing signs that your ex boyfriend still likes you. But what exactly are those signs? How do you spot them and how can you be sure there’s a chance to save your relationship? Check out these signs that your ex boyfriend still likes you:

  1. He hasn’t moved on.
Does it seem like he hasn’t tried dating again? Or if he has, nothing seems to have stuck? If so, then it’s likely he isn’t ready to commit to anyone else yet because he hasn’t actually gotten over you. He is still holding on to feelings for you and there is a good chance he would be open to getting back together.

  1. He’s jealous that you have moved on.
If you have started dating and you have reason to believe your ex boyfriend is jealous of you, he’s probably not ready to let you go. Try to judge from his reaction if he seems upset by the notion of you branching out and seeing other people.

  1. He treats you like he did when you first got together.
Remember how he acted when you first met him? How hard he tried to impress you and how charming he was? If he is showing any of this behavior, he probably can’t help it. And that is one of the powerful signs that your ex boyfriend still likes you.

  1. He responds to flirting.
If you haven’t already, try flirting with him a bit. Not so strongly that you scare him off, just a tad friendlier than friendly. See how he responds. If he flirts back, there is definitely possibility there.

  1. He asks about you.
Find out from your mutual friends and acquaintances if he ever asks about you. If he has, you know he’s thinking about you and wondering what you’re doing and how you’re feeling. This is a great sign he still has feelings for you.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs that your ex boyfriend still likes you, it is very likely that there is hope for you two to save your relationship. Even if he is showing none of these signs but you know that you two belong together, there are very effective ways to save your relationship. Whatever you do, don’t throw it away if you know it’s right.

Love Poems to Save a Relationship: Read Before You Write!

Are you thinking about using love poems to save a relationship? It’s a gorgeous notion, isn’t it? It’s been done to death in the movies, but believe it or not, very few people are smart enough or heart-felt enough to actually try it. Many think it’s too difficult to do well. This may be true, but with a plan in place, there is nothing more romantic or effective than using love poems to save a relationship. Now let’s talk about the essence of the most effective love poems.

As with anything else, before you can produce a great love poem, you have to understand what a love poem is and how it can help save a relationship.

Just for a moment, focus on the way you feel when you think about your partner. All those feelings you have. All those memories you’ve shared. All the love that still exists between you. That love you know will never disappear. And shouldn’t. The purpose of a love poem is to express that love in a way that brings that love back to life and brings you two back together.

The perfect love poem is sweet and romantic, rekindling that spirit of the early days when you first fell in love. When preparing to put your thoughts and your heart on paper, think back to those days and remember the little things that first made you fall in love.

Now, if you are like me when I first sat down to write my first love poem, you are probably at a loss for words. You have no doubt about how you feel and how much you want to save your relationship, but you’re having trouble coming up with the actual words for your love poem.

The Magic of Making Up Guide
Don’t worry! There are plenty of resources to help get you going. The key is to put yourself in the mindset of the you who first fell in love. It all flows from there. The hardest part, as always, is just getting started.

Is Separation Good for Marriage? The Answer that Can Save Your Relationship

Is separation good for marriage?

The answer to this question is much simpler than you think. That’s not to say that making the decision and taking the necessary steps is easy. If your marriage is slightly rocky right now, then it’s perfectly natural to feel scared or anxious about the notion of separation. This is true whether your spouse is the one who brought it up or if you’ve been the one wondering, “Is separation good for the marriage?”

The prospect of separation can be overwhelming because of all that’s at stake in a marriage. Couples often worried about children involved, but there are other investments both material and emotional such as houses, cars, mutual friends and in-laws that all play a part in deciding if a separation is the right answer for a struggling marriage.

Many people worry that if a couple separates, that there’s no chance for saving the marriage in the future. The truth is, it’s exactly opposite. Separation most often results in a stronger and more stable relationship than ever.

Why is separation good for marriage?

The answer to this is surprisingly logical. A separation simply means having some time apart. Right now, there is conflict in your marriage. There’s that looming feeling of anxiety or stress because you don’t have the ability or opportunity to get away and make sense of it all in your mind.

Being in constant contact only serves to intensify any issues or problems between you. Separation allows you to relax and think about the real issues at hand in a calm and clear manner. And in this time you spend apart sorting it all out, the hidden benefit of separation that will save your marriage will come.

You will start to miss each other.

Time apart gives you the gift of perspective. You’ll both be able to see again why it is you fell in love in the first place. The time away from each other will help you both realize that you don’t want to live without each other. And it is at this moment that you’ll appreciate how much you mean to one another.

So, is separation good for marriage? Absolutely.


It must be done right to avoid any further damage to the relationship. Drifting apart is a natural turn for a marriage to take. But there are steps you can take that will help get your marriage back to what it was. The right plan can help set the foundation for reconciliation and ultimately saving your marriage.

7 Simple Steps to Marriage Separation Reconciliation

If your marriage is on the rocks at the moment, don’t worry because it can be mended simply by following some vital steps to marriage separation reconciliation. Every marriage is different, but there is an answer for every troubled relationship. Even yours. Give this guide some thought and then set out a plan in action that works for your specific circumstances.

The steps to marriage separation reconciliation include the following:

1.  Set Some Guidelines

Think about how long you two should spend apart. Talk about how much communication there should be between the two of you. Discuss who to involve in the separation. Should your friends and relatives be involved in the process?

2.  Stay Strong and Steadfast

Once you’ve set your marriage separation guidelines together and begun the separation, it’s important to stick to your plans no matter how hard it gets. Separation is difficult. But you can get through it. Remember that the light at the end of the tunnel is reconciliation.

3.  Be Open to Change

Spending time apart is as much about you as an individual as it is the relation between you. Open yourself up to changing those things about yourself that you know could use some work. You might just inspire your spouse to do the same.

4.  Clear Your Mind

When there’s conflict in your marriage, it’s almost impossible to see things clearly. You often do or say things you don’t even mean simply because of all the tension in the air. That’s what marriage separation is for. It’s an opportunity to clear your mind and sort through the issues in the marriage that are the root cause of your problems.

5.  Enjoy Yourself

I bet you didn’t expect to see that on a list of steps to marriage separation reconciliation, did you? But it’s important. Many people lock themselves away and grieve or mourn during a separation. But what will actually do more for your marriage than anything is getting out and finding the opportunity to rejuvenate yourself and refocus your efforts on reconciling your marriage.

6.  Keep the Kids in Mind

If you have children, make sure to involve them in the process. Let them know that they have nothing to do with the separation and that nothing will ever change your relationship with them. Show them that there is nothing to worry about and that the separation is just a healthy treatment for a problem in a relationship, like medicine for a cough.

7.  Seek Help and Resources
Separation is hard. And nobody should have to do it alone. Whether you have the ability and opportunity to see a counselor, or you simply want the advice of experts online, you will have a much more successful separation if you find support.